Filmed in over twenty countries and on five continents, 500 Years Later is a compelling journey, infused with the spirit and music of liberation, that chronicles the struggle of a people from enslavement who continue to fight for the most essential human right – freedom.

Produced and written by MK Asante | Directed by Owen Alik Shahadah
500 Years Later
The monumental, authoritative documentary exploring the global legacy of slavery.
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‘500 Years Later’ Synopsis
“Until Lions tells their tale, the story of the hunt will always glorify the hunter”- African proverb
Crime, poor education, poverty, self-hatred, prison system, broken homes plague people of African descent globally – Why?
Filmed in over twenty countries and on five continents, 500 Years Later is a compelling journey, infused with the spirit and music of liberation, that chronicles the struggle of a people from enslavement who continue to fight for the most essential human right – freedom.
500 Years Later , is an epic multi-award winning documentary directed by Owen ‘Alik Shahadah.
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